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Manuel Unternährer


Manuel Unternährer trained as a commercial employee and completed his BA in business IT. He worked in a wide variety of companies as an all-rounder, as a freelancer in 1st and 2nd level support and in cloud service management was responsible for data preparation and billing reporting.

He became interested in IT and information security when he researched the TOR browser in depth as part of a project and carried out a penetration test using the zero entry hacking process.

At Swiss Infosec AG, Manuel Unternährer supports the team as a consultant with a focus on technical security. His responsibilities there include: ethical hacking, developing security concepts, conducting security audits and IT security awareness training. He studied business IT at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts with a specialisation in IT Operation & Security.

Be passionate and bold. Always keep learning. You stop doing useful things if you don’t learn.

Satya Nadella

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